Parental knowledge about respiratory syncytial virus and attitudes toward infant immunization with monoclonal antibodies in France
Bipolar disorder and sexuality: a preliminary qualitative pilot study
Parental knowledge about respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and attitudes to infant immunization with monoclonal antibodies.
Patient attitudes to routine cognitive testing in multiple sclerosis
Adherence to prophylactic hemophiliac treatment in young patients transitioning to adult care: a qualitative review
Quality of life and care needs in women with estrogen positive metastatic breast cancer: a qualitative study
Drivers and barriers to medication adherence in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia: a qualitative study
The impact of quality of life on treatment preferences in multiple sclerosis patients
Quality of life in patients with multiple myeloma: a qualitative study
Familial hypercholesterolemia reduces the quality of life of patients not reaching treatment targets
Social aspects of the quality of life of persons suffering from schizophrenia
Making decisions about colorectal cancer screening. A qualitative study among citizens with lower educational attainment
Parental attitudes towards male human papillomavirus vaccination: a pan-European cross-sectional survey
Bipolar Patients’ Quality of Life in Mixed States: A Preliminary Qualitative Study
Patients use normalisation techniques to cope with the quality-of-life effects of anal cancer
Patient perspectives on quality of life after penile cancer
Patients perceive tonsil cancer as a strike at psycho-socially ’vital organs’
Perceptions of herpes zoster and attitudes towards zoster vaccination among 50-65-year-old Danes
Parental attitudes towards vaccinating sons with human papillomavirus vaccine
Quality of life of homosexual males with genital warts: a qualitative study
Qualitative study of womens anxiety and information need after a diagnosis of cervical dysplasia
Long-term quality of life effects of genital warts – a follow-up study
The quality of life of patients with genital warts: a qualitative study
Drivers and barriers to acceptance of human-papillomavirus vaccination among young women: a qualitative and quantitative study
Livskvalitet hos homoseksuelle mænd med kondylomer
Kvinders erfaringer med celleforandringer
Kondylompatienters livskvalitet
Ny forskning: Trivsel og Boligform – et brugerperspektiv på plejeboligen. Plejeboligens rumlige sfærer og betydningshierarki
Reduktion af risikoen for livmoderhalskræft ved vaccination mod humant papillomvirus (HPV) – en medicinsk teknologivurdering
Betydningen af sociale relationer mellem beboerne i danske plejeboliger. I K. Møller og M.-A. Knudstrup (red.) Trivsel i Plejeboligen – En antologi om trivselsfaktorer i plejeboligen
Afdækning af boligmæssige trivselsfaktorer for ældre i plejeboliger
Etniske minoriteter i sundhedssystemet – en model for fremtidig indsats
Borgerundersøgelse – pleje og omsorgsbehovet blandt ældre flygtninge og indvandrere. Århus Kommune
Borgerundersøgelse – pleje og omsorgsbehovet blandt ældre flygtninge og indvandrere. Århus Kommune